Koji dobijete pred svaki FW je raspored. Lep, uredan i krajnje haotičan. Da, haotičan, za se one koji imaju priliku da u štiklama ili sa aktovkama trče od jedne do druge revije i u svakih novih sat vremena progutaju umeće, dizajn, modu. 4 dana za sve to. Tommy Ton kao i uvek, neprikosnoveni kralj objektiva ulične mode. Fashion moment of the week. Eh, ti male models.
Beyoncé Made a Video at the September Issue Cover Shoot. This Is What Summertime Looks like for Model Moms. Saturday, August 15, 2015. The Best Baguettes in Paris.
Monday, January 26, 2015. Mannequin wants a fluffy toy. X Spiderman cape x wig. So you want to dance dance dance. In your American Flag leggings. Tuesday, February 11, 2014. This grrrl is Dani Hayes. Sunday, February 9, 2014. Wednesday, February 5, 2014. Snicks gives me an even glide motion on catwalk. Tuesday, February 4, 2014.
NEW YORK, NY, 10003
Is proud to announce an unprecedented performance of Georgia Music Hall of Fame. For the first time ever, MF founders Joyce Kennedy. And guitarist Gary Moses Mo Moore. Take the stage with host Kevin Wyglad for a raw and intimate show performed before a live studio audience at Van Gogh Video Production Studio.
BackStage is owned and operated by Joe Douglas, who has managed Frankie Beverly and Maze for 30 years. His vision is to show entertainment at its best from backstage to the stage. There is always something to do at BackStage. Just about every single day of the week we have great events, great drink and great food specials. We are taking Adult Entertainment to Another Level. I had a party and they made it a great Birthday for me. Next year I will be back to celebrate again.
First hand, second hand, stage hand, hear say; choreographers, dancers, riggers, prop masters, carpenters, costumers, coffee makers, electricians, flymen, singers, stage managers, guards, Ms. Linny, you name them Extra, extra, read all about it! Seattle, Washington, United States.
All production photos courtesy of Keith Polakoff. Was cast in a new HBO series written by Alan Ball. Creator of Six Feet Under and True Blood.